Psychology Societies and Associations of the Asia Pacific

Australian Psychological Society

Dedicated to advancing the discipline and profession of psychology in the communities we serve, for the benefit of all Australians, by ensuring the success and accomplishment of our members.

Bangladesh Psychological Association

The Bangladesh Psychological Association (BPA) is a premier organization formed with the aims and objectives of advancing the concepts of an academic discipline and as a professional organization that represents psychology in the Bangladesh. The BPA is to advance the creation, communication and application of psychological knowledge to benefit society and improve people’s lives. This Association (BPA) aspires to excel as a valuable, effective and influential organization advancing psychology.

Chinese Psychological Society

The Chinese Psychological Society was established in 1921 and it is one of the earliest established national organisations in China, aiming at uniting all the psychologists to work and promote the field of psychology.

Hong Kong Psychological Society

The Hong Kong Psychological Society Limited (HKPS), is both a learned society and a professional association of all specialties of psychology in Hong Kong, founded in 1968. The Hong Kong Psychological Society (HKPS) was formed to promote the development of psychology and maintain professional standards.

Indonesian Psychological Association

To become a professional psychology organization that is recognized nationally and internationally and plays a role in improving the quality of people's lives. The main mission is the scientific and professional development of psychology in Indonesia.

Japanese Psychological Association

The Japanese Psychological Association (JPA) was founded as an academic organization on April 7, 1927. As the oldest national psychological association in Japan, we have contributed to the development of Japanese psychological activities through a membership base that includes both academic researchers and professional practitioners

Korean Psychological Association

The purpose of the Korean Psychological Association (KPA) is to promote the development of psychology by providing members with a place to exchange academic information and cultivate friendship, and to contribute to public interest by playing the role of disseminating the professional knowledge and applied technology of psychology to the society.

Malaysian Psychological Association

PSIMA is about developing the psychology field in Malaysia. All Malaysians want to make a significant and positive contribution to our nation. We at PSIMA want to help Malaysia develop in a way that enriches the lives of all people and brings its diverse communities together.

National Academy of Psychology (India)

The NAOP seeks to promote the application and quality of teaching and research taking place within the field of psychology and also to promote multidisciplinary work for the betterment of quality of life of the citizens of India.

New Zealand Psychological Society

New Zealand Psychological Society (NZPS) aims to improve individual and community wellbeing by representing, promoting and advancing the scientific discipline of psychology and psychology practice.

Psychological Association of the Philippines

Founded in 1962, the Psychological Association of the Philippines (PAP) is an organization committed to the promotion of excellence in the teaching, research, and practice of Psychology, and its recognition as a scientifically-oriented discipline for human and social development.

Singapore Psychological Society

The Singapore Psychological Society was founded in 1979 and has as its aims the advancement of psychology as a science and as a profession in Singapore. The society seeks to promote human well-being and advance the research and practice of Psychology in Singapore

Sri Lanka Psychological Association

The Sri Lanka Psychological Association (SLPA) is a professional body that brings together qualified psychologists with the objective of ensuring the expansion of psychology as a discipline and profession in Sri Lanka

Taiwanese Psychological Association

Taiwanese Psychological Association (TPA) was founded in 1961 with its headquarter in Taipei, It is the oldest academic association in the domestic psychology community in history. Upholding the objective of research on psychology, Taiwanese Psychological Association engages in the research, data collection, and publication of psychology books and periodicals, communication with domestic and foreign psychology institutions, and other related matters.